With an aim to tap non-conventional energy sources in a major way, a grid-connected solar roof top unit was commissioned at a building in Nishta Parisar which is an office of the Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited (MPMKVVL).
The unit which was commissioned on Tuesday is a part of five MW grid connected solar power project that is being implemented by RattanIndia Solar, a RattanIndia group company, on more than 80 government buildings in Madhya Pradesh across cities of Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur, a release said on Tuesday.
These projects will serve as a pilot in showcasing benefit of solar solutions and will promote mass adoption of the same, it said.
This project will not only help in cutting down the energy bills but will also ensure clean energy with zero carbon footprints.
The plant was inaugurated by the Madhya Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Minister Rajendra Shukla.
He said on the occasion that only rooftop net metering system will bring solar energy revolution in Madhya Pradesh.
More and more solar panels will be seen on rooftops of buildings in the State in coming time.
Referring to steps taken by the state government in tapping solar energy in a major way, Mr. Shukla said that Asia’s biggest solar power plant of 135 MW capacity has been installed in the state and world’s biggest 750 MW solar power plant is going to be set up at Rewa, the release said.
He said that open area has shrunk during present days.
Therefore, rooftop net metering system is the best alternative. - PTI