Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday launched ‘Gyps Vulture Reintroduction Programme’ by putting ten captive bred vultures in pre-release aviaries close to Jatayu Conservation Breeding Centre at Pinjore near here.
The exercise was part of reintroduction programme in the pre-release aviary, where birds will have an unobstructed view of the surrounding.
It will also help them in getting use to the habitat in which they would be released in future.
At the conservation breeding centre, they were kept in aviaries where they had little view of the habitat around, said a spokesman here.
The ten vultures released by the CM include two Himalayan Griffons, which were brought as sick birds. They have been in captivity for last ten years.
The rest were all white-backed vultures, of which six were hatched in captivity at the centre and are of two-three years of age. The other two were adult birds rescued from the wild about ten years, he said.
All the vultures have dummy satellite transmitters fitted as a back pack, but it will be replaced with actual transmitters at least a week before they are released in the wild. It will help in tracking the vultures.
Before releasing the bird, it would be ensured that there is enough food in the habitat and low prevalence of the drug diclofenac at least in 100 km radius in the area targeted by advocacy and awareness programme, he said.
Later, while interacting with the media persons, the CM said for the first time captive bred vultures have been released in the pre-release aviary so that they can play their role naturally.
Jatayu Conservation Breeding Centre, run by Haryana Wild Life Department and the Forest Department, has been constantly working to increase their numbers through breeding and conservation, he said.
When asked whether the vultures would play a role in the success of ‘Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’, the CM said these birds feed on carcasses of animal before it get decomposed, thus prevent from growth of harmful bacteria and fungus.
This way, they play a vital role in the successful implementation of ‘Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’ as they keep our environment clean, he added.
Mr Khattar described the conservation of vultures as a world-wide phenomena and said that every country and state is concerned about their decreasing numbers.
It was a matter of concern that their number has decreased from four crore earlier to only one lakh, he said.
The vultures get exposed to Diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which is given to cattle in inflammation and pain is extremely toxic to vultures, when they feed on the carcasses of an animal which died within 75 hours of the administration of the drug.
The drug was banned by Government of India for veterinary use in 2006. But the vultures continued to die, though at a slower rate due to misuse of multi-dose vials of Diclofenac for human formulations.
The multi-dose vials for human use were banned by the Drug Controller General of India on the July 17, 2015. It directed that only vials of 3 ML could be used for human consumption instead of 30 ML earlier, he said. The CM said his government would enforce these orders in the state.
This would certainly bring down the prevalence of the drug in cattle carcasses and the environment would be safe for vultures.
Earlier, the CM also saw a detailed presentation on the Conservation and Breeding of Vultures. - PTI
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