May 1, 2014
PRS Legislative Research Institute for Policy Research Studies
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Monthly Policy Review
April 2014
Highlights of this Issue
Inflation increases after three months decline; RBI keeps policy rate unchanged (p. 2)
Inflation increased for the first time in three months on account of an increase in food prices. RBI, in its monetary
policy review, maintains the policy repo rate at 8%.
Government releases Direct Taxes Code 2013 for public comments (p. 2)
The Direct Taxes Code 2013 is a revised version of the Direct Taxes Code 2010, incorporating recommendations of
the Standing Committee and the Kelkar Committee on Fiscal Consolidation.
Supreme Court recognises constitutional rights of transgender persons (p. 4)
The Supreme Court has recognized transgender persons as a „third gender‟, and directed the central and state
governments to treat them as an educationally and socially backward class.
Comments invited on draft minimum standards for various clinical establishments (p. 4)
The standards specify matters related to infrastructure, human resource, medical equipment, drugs and bio-medical
waste management in all hospitals, laboratories, clinics etc and are applicable in all union territories and some states.
Dissolution of Andhra Pradesh assembly approved by President (p. 5)
The President approved the dissolution of the AP Assembly and issued a fresh proclamation of central rule. The
President‟s rule was proclaimed in March 2014, following the passage of the AP Reorganisation Act, 2014.
Supreme Court rejects private telecom operators’ plea against CAG audit (p. 4)
The Supreme Court has rejected a petition by private telecom operators challenging the January 2014 Delhi High
Court decision, which allowed the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) to audit their accounts.
Supreme Court allows resumption of iron ore mining in Goa but places cap on output (p. 4)
The Supreme Court has lifted its ban on iron ore mining in Goa, subject to an interim annual production limit of 20
million tonnes. The miners will have to obtain fresh mining leases and other approvals to restart production.
Comments invited on national strategy for reducing emissions from deforestation (p. 6)
The Ministry of Environment and Forests has invited comments on the national strategy for reducing emissions from
deforestation and degradation of forests.
Standing Committees present reports on the agricultural sector (p. 5 and 6)
The Committee presented reports evaluating the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, which seeks to provide states with
funds to generate growth in agriculture. It also submitted a report on the pricing of agricultural produce.
RBI grants in-principal approval for banking licences to two applicants (p. 3)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has granted in-principle approval to IDFC Ltd. and Bandhan Financial Services
Pvt. Ltd. to set up banks under the Guidelines on Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector.
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
Macroeconomic Developments
Saumya Vaishnava (
Inflation increases after three months
The wholesale price inflation and retail price
inflation both increased after three months, due
to inflation in food articles, which rose from
8.1% in February to 9.9% in March 2014.
Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation increased
to 5.7% in March from 4.7% in February, while
Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation increased
to 9.1% in March from 8.6% in the previous
Inflation had decreased for the first
time in six months in December 2013 due to
softening of food price inflation.
RBI keeps policy rates unchanged
On April 1, 2014, the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) released its first bi-monthly policy
The following decisions were taken:
Policy rates remain unchanged: RBI
maintained the policy repo rate at 8%,
stating that inflation remains a concern. RBI
reaffirmed its focus on achieving 8% CPI
inflation by January 2015 and 6% by
January 2016.
Term repos: Term repos of 7-day and 14-
day tenure were introduced in October
RBI increased the liquidity provided
under term repos from 0.5% to 0.75% of Net
Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL;
roughly speaking, all bank deposits) of the
banking system. Simultaneously, it reduced
the liquidity under overnight repo from 0.5%
to 0.25% of NDTL.
Other decisions: The developmental and
regulatory decisions taken by RBI in April
2014 are given in Table 1.
Table 1: RBI Developmental and Regulatory
Committee Action taken by RBI
Urjit Patel
Committee to
revise and
strengthen the
Monetary Policy
Some of the recommendations, such
as those relating to the adoption of CPI
as key measure of inflation,
progressive increase in liquidity
provided through term repos, etc. have
been accepted
Basel III
Full implementation of the Basel III
Capital Regulations has been
postponed to March 31, 2019 from
March 31, 2018.
Vijay Bhaskar
Committee on
RBI has advised the FIMMDA and
FEDAI to act as administrators of the
Indian Rupee Exchange Rate and the
foreign exchange benchmarks
respectively. They will take the
necessary steps to implement the
recommendations of the committee.
Credit pricing
Scheduled Commercial Banks to
provide differential interest rates for
Micro and Small Enterprises.6
Sources: RBI; PRS.
Notes: FIMMDA-Fixed Income Money Market and
Derivatives Association of India; FEDAI-Foreign Exchange
Dealers „Association of India.
Saumya Vaishnava (
Government released new draft Direct
Taxes Code 2013
The draft Direct Taxes Code, 2013 was released
on the Department of Income Tax website for
comments on April 1, 2014.7
This is a revised
version of the Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010,
which was introduced in Parliament on August
31, 2010, and thereafter, was referred to the
Standing Committee on Finance. The Direct
Taxes Code proposes to consolidate and amend
the laws relating to direct taxes. Consequently, it
replaces the Income Tax Act 1961 and the
Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
The Direct Taxes Code, 2010 (DTC 2010) had
proposed to widen tax slabs for individuals, and
increase tax on companies. In addition, it had
proposed to remove several deductions currently
allowed for companies and retain deductions
available to individuals. The Bill had also
proposed the General Anti-Avoidance Rules
(GAAR) to allow tax authorities to classify any
arrangement as one entered into for evading
taxes. The Bill will lapse with the dissolution of
the 15th Lok Sabha.
In Direct Taxes Code, 2013 (DTC 2013), various
recommendations of the Standing Committee, as
well as recommendations of the Kelkar
Committee on fiscal consolidation have been
incorporated. Some of the changes made in the
DTC 2013 are:8
The age of senior citizens is proposed to be
relaxed from 65 years in DTC 2010 to 60
years in DTC 2013.
GAAR in the DTC 2010 was discussed as
one of the rules regarding avoidance of tax.
However, in DTC 2013, more clarity and
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
precision has been brought to the provisions.
DTC 2013 includes the applicability of the
GAAR, the impermissible avoidance
agreements and the treatment of connected
person etc. Importantly, the onus of proof is
to rest with the tax authority invoking
For the purpose of wealth tax determination,
DTC 2013 includes all assets as the base for
wealth tax. The 2010 version had included
only the unproductive assets for the levy of
wealth tax.
An additional tax of 10% (over the 15%
dividend distribution tax) is proposed to be
levied on recipients of dividend exceeding
Rs one crore.
A fourth slab for income tax may be
introduced. Currently, the highest slab is for
incomes in excess of Rs 10 lakh, which is
taxed at 30%. The new slab will tax total
income in excess of Rs 10 crore at 35%.
For a PRS analysis of the DTC Bill 2010, see
Alok Rawat (
RBI grants in-principal approval for
banking licences to two applicants
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has granted inprinciple
approval to IDFC Ltd. and Bandhan
Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. to set up banks under
the Guidelines on Licensing of New Banks in the
Private Sector.
RBI had notified the Guidelines
and invited applications for licences in February
2013. A High Level Advisory Committee was
constituted in October 2013 to screen the
These applicants were recommended for grant of
in-principle approval by the Committee. RBI
also accepted the Committee‟s recommendation
that RBI consider the licence application by the
Department of Posts separately in consultation
with the government.
The in-principle approval will be valid for a
period of 18 months. The applicants have to
meet the requirements under the Guidelines and
other stipulated conditions during this period.
They will be granted a licence for
commencement of banking business once RBI is
satisfied that they have complied with the
requisite conditions.
RBI will use the learnings from current licensing
exercise to revise the Guidelines. It hopes to
ultimately move to a system where eligible
entities can be granted licences on demand.
Draft report of the Working Group on
pricing of credit
The RBI Working Group on pricing of credit
(Chairperson: Mr. Anand Sinha) submitted its
report on April 10, 2014.
RBI had constituted
the working group in October 2011 to examine
issues related to pricing of floating rate loans. It
will accept comments from stakeholders by May
16, 2014.
Key observations and recommendations of the
working group are:
Base Rate: Each bank periodically sets its
Base Rate according to its weighted average
cost of deposits. Banks usually price
floating rate loans by specifying a fixed
spread on the Base Rate. The Group
recommended that banks calculate the Base
Rate on the basis of marginal cost of funds.
Spread: Banks should have a Board
approved policy identifying the factors
which determine the spread on a loan. They
should also be able demonstrate the rationale
behind the pricing policy to RBI.
IBA benchmark: The Indian Banking
Association (IBA) could develop an
industry-wide benchmark for floating rate
products. Banks may offer floating rate
loans linked to this benchmark, starting with
home loans.
Exit clause: Retail loans should be offered
to customers both with and without a
reasonably-priced exit option. The exit
option should be easily exercisable. IBA
should also evolve guidelines for easier and
quicker refinancing of loans, particularly
mortgages and housing loans.
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
Alok Rawat (
Supreme Court rejects private telecom
operators’ plea against CAG audit
The Supreme Court has allowed the Comptroller
and Auditor General (CAG) to audit the accounts
of private telecom service providers. The service
providers had challenged the January 2014 Delhi
High Court decision which allowed CAG to
audit their accounts.11
For details on the High
Court decision, please see here.
The audits are for calculation of revenue and
determination of licence fees and spectrum
charges payable to the government by service
providers. Rejecting the service providers‟
petition, the Supreme Court observed that a CAG
audit is necessary to ensure that the government
gets its share of the revenues generated from
public resources.
Alok Rawat (
Supreme Court allows resumption of iron
ore mining in Goa; places cap on output
The Supreme Court has lifted its ban on iron ore
mining in Goa, subject to an interim annual
production limit of 20 million tonnes.
The state
government had placed a ban on iron ore mining
and transportation in September 2012 due to
concerns regarding adverse impact of illegal
mining. In the same month, the Union Ministry
of Environment and Forests (MoEF) decided to
suspend the environmental approvals granted to
all mines in Goa. The Court had upheld the ban
in its October 2012 order.
The iron ore mining concessions awarded by the
Portuguese administration in Goa were converted
into mining leases under the Mines and Minerals
(Development & Regulation) Act, 1957 in 1987.
The Court held that these leases expired in 1987
and could have been extended only till 2007.
Hence, any mining after 2007 on such leases was
illegal. The miners will have to obtain new
mining leases from the state government and
environmental approvals from MoEF to restart
iron ore mining.
The Court asked the state government to
formulate a policy for award of fresh leases to
such miners. It also asked MoEF to notify ecosensitive
zones around the national park and
wildlife sanctuaries of Goa. A Court-appointed
Expert Committee will submit a report on
dealing with mining dumps and annual
production limit within six months.
Mandira Kala (
Comments invited on draft minimum
standards for various clinical
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has
invited comments on the draft minimum
standards for clinical establishments under the
Clinical Establishments (Registration &
Regulation) Act, 2010.
The Act provides for registration and regulation
of all clinical establishments, i.e. hospitals,
clinics, other facilities that offer treatment for
illness including laboratories that offer
pathological and diagnostic services. The Act
applies to the four states of Arunachal Pradesh,
Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, all union
territories and Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and
Jharkhand, who have chosen to adopt the law.
Under the Act, the National Council for Clinical
Establishments is responsible for determining the
minimum standards to be followed by these
The draft standards apply to various categories of
clinical establishments, such as: (i) hospitals, (ii)
dental centres, (iii) laboratories and radiology,
imaging and ultrasound centres and, (iv) stem
cell laboratories. The standards specify matters
related to infrastructure, human resource,
medical equipment, drugs and bio-medical waste
management in such establishments. The last
date for submitting feedback was April 30, 2014.
Law and Justice
Prianka Rao (
Supreme Court recognises constitutional
rights of transgender persons
On April 15, 2014, the Supreme Court passed a
judgment that gave legal recognition to
transgender persons as a third gender. It also
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
gave directions to safeguard their constitutional
rights on the grounds of right to equality and
equal protection under Articles 14 and 15 and the
right against gender discrimination under Article
16 of the Constitution.14
The Court also directed the central and state
governments to take appropriate steps to:
Treat transgender persons as socially and
educationally backward classes, and extend
reservation in cases of admission to
educational institutions and for public
Operate separate HIV sero-surveillance
centres for transgender persons;
Provide adequate medical care to
transgender persons in hospitals and ensure
separate public toilets and other facilities.
The Court noted that an expert committee is
already looking into issues related to transgender
persons. It stated that the Committee must make
recommendations in light of these legal
developments. Further, the recommendations of
the Committee should be implemented within six
„Transgender‟ is an umbrella term that describes
persons whose gender identity, gender
expression or behaviour does not conform to
their biological sex.
Supreme Court constitutes committee on
best practices in public advertisements
The Supreme Court has constituted a committee
to look into the use of public funds in advertising
campaigns of the government and political
parties. It has directed the committee to suggest
best practices for the regulation of public
advertisements, and prevent abuse of public
funds in this regard.15
The three member committee, headed by Prof.
Madhava Menon, is required to submit its report
within three months.
The judgment was passed on April 23, 2014 on a
Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by the NGO
Common Cause in 2003. The PIL claimed that
the use of public funds for advertising political
parties or particular governments was in
violation of Articles 14 and 21.
Home Affairs
Prianka Rao (
Dissolution of Andhra Pradesh assembly
approved by President
According to news reports, the President of India
gave his approval for dissolution of the Andhra
Pradesh Assembly, and for fresh proclamation of
central rule, on April 28, 2014. The Union
Cabinet had recommended the dissolution on
April 25, 2014.16
The state of Andhra Pradesh has been under
President‟s rule since March 1, 2014, following
the bifurcation of the state and resignation of its
Chief Minister. The earlier proclamation of
President‟s rule would cease to operate at the
end of two months, on April 30, 2014, if not
ratified by Parliament. Hence, a fresh
proclamation for re-imposition of President‟s
rule was sought by the Cabinet.
Expert committee on capital for the
successor state of Andhra Pradesh
An Expert Committee to suggest a capital city
for the successor state of Andhra Pradesh has
been constituted by the centre. This is in
accordance with the provisions of the Andhra
Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.17
The Act stipulates that the state of Andhra
Pradesh is to be bifurcated into Telangana and
the successor state of Andhra Pradesh
(Seemandhra). Further, Hyderabad will be the
common capital for 10 years, following which it
would be the capital of the new state of
Telangana. The Act required that a committee to
suggest a capital city for the successor state of
Andhra Pradesh be constituted by the centre,
within 45 days of the Act in force.
The five member Committee (Chairperson: K.C.
Sivaramakrishnan) is to study various
alternatives, consult with stakeholders and
present its report by August 31, 2014.
Sakshi Balani (
Standing Committee submits report on
pricing of agricultural produce
The Standing Committee on Agriculture
submitted a report on the pricing of agricultural
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
produce on March 15, 2014.18
The Committee
analysed the price policy for agricultural
produce, particularly the role of the Commission
for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) and its
method for calculating the Minimum Support
Price (MSP) of 24 crops. The Committee made
the following recommendations:
Remunerative pricing of agricultural
produce: The Committee noted that CACP
does not consider a specific profit margin
over the cost of production while calculating
the MSP for a crop. It recommended that
steps be taken to fix remunerative pricing
with a 50% profit margin over the cost of
production for all 24 crops without further
Setting of region-wise MSP: The
Committee noted that the cost of production
of crops varies from region to region even
though a uniform MSP is set for the entire
country. The Committee recommended
fixing a region-wise MSP with appropriate
restrictions on an experimental basis.
Avoiding distress sale of produce: The
Committee noted that even though MSP is
set to ensure that there is no distress sale of
produce, there have been reports of distress
sale by small and marginal farmers in West
Bengal, Odisha, and Bihar. This is due to
the lack of proper marketing infrastructure,
storage capacity, milling capacity, etc. that
adversely affect procurement. It urged state
governments to address distress sale by
farmers on a priority basis and involve
farmers‟ cooperatives and self-help groups
in procurement.
Standing Committee submits report on
evaluation of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
The Standing Committee on Agriculture
submitted a report on its evaluation of the
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) scheme
on March 15, 2014.19
RKVY was designed to
generate growth and development in agriculture
and allied sectors by incentivising states to
allocate more on agriculture. The Committee
made the following recommendations:
Data regarding yield and investment: The
Committee urged the Department of
Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) to
furnish data regarding yield gaps in major
crops and the quantum of private investment
in agriculture and allied sectors at the
beginning of the Eleventh Plan. This would
help the Committee provide an objective
assessment of the achievements under
Poor monitoring of RKVY: The
Committee noted that there is hardly any
monitoring of RKVY at the central level. It
recommended that DAC devise a suitable
mechanism to ensure that the
projects/schemes for which funds are made
available to states are monitored and
coordinated properly. The DAC should
monitor the timely implementation of these
projects and ensure that there is no misuse or
diversion of funds.
Imbalanced investments under RKVY:
According to a study by the National
Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad,
states have not been able to balance
investments between growth oriented
projects and projects for the development of
agricultural infrastructure. Infrastructure
development was not found to be based on a
definite vision or plan. The Committee
urged DAC to examine the issues in
implementation highlighted in the study and
take necessary action.
Joyita Ghose (
Comments invited on the national
strategy for reducing emissions from
deforestation and forest degradation
The Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF) has invited comments on the national
strategy for Reducing Emissions from
Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+).
REDD+ is part of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, an international
environment treaty to which India is a signatory.
This treaty aims at stabilising levels of
greenhouses gases in the atmosphere.
REDD+ offers incentives to developing countries
to reduce emissions due to deforestation. It also
includes measures for the conservation and
sustainable management of forests.
It is mandated that developing countries willing
to undertake REDD+ activities prepare a national
strategy. Accordingly, the MoEF constituted an
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
Expert Committee (Chair: Mr. Jagdish Kiswan)
to prepare a national strategy for REDD+.
Key areas identified for REDD+ implementation
by the Committee are establishing a national
forest monitoring system, and improving
REDD+ governance and stakeholder
engagement. A National REDD+ Authority
supported by REDD+ cells at the state level will
be established.
Comments and suggestions on the national
strategy are invited till May 27, 2014. The
strategy document is available here, and the
format for providing comments is available here.
Urban Development
Joyita Ghose (
Mission document on National Mission on
Sustainable Habitat
The Ministry of Urban Development has placed
the mission document on the National Mission
on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH) in the public
Key features of NMSH are outlined
Objectives: The major objective of NMSH is to
make habitats more sustainable by improving: (a)
energy efficiency in buildings, (b) urban
planning, (c) waste management, and (d) public
transport. It also seeks to improve the ability of
habitats to adapt to climate change.
Implementation: NMSH will be implemented
through: (a) changes in the legal and regulatory
framework, (b) mainstreaming of sustainable
development in city planning, and (c) preparing
comprehensive mobility plans for improving
public transport.
Institutional arrangements: NMSH will be
headed by an Inter-Ministerial Group which will
frame policies for the implementation and
monitoring of NMSH. It will be supported by a
Mission Implementation and Monitoring Group
which will appraise proposals related to NMSH.
A Mission Directorate will be established in the
Ministry for day to day monitoring.
State Level Apex Coordination Committees will
be established to review proposals at the state
level, supported by nodal agencies. City level
committees will be established in urban areas.
“Index Numbers of Wholesale Price in India (BASE: 2004-
05=100), Review for the Month of March, 2014”, Press
Information Bureau, Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
April 15, 2014.
“Consumer Price Index Numbers on Base 2010=100 for
Rural, Urban and Combined for the Month of March, 2014”,
Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation, April 15, 2014.
First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2014-15 By
Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, RBI Press Release, April 1,
“Term Repo under Liquidity Adjustment Facility”, RBI
Bulletin, October 8, 2013,
“Financial Benchmarks-Governance Framework for
Benchmark Submitters”, RBI notifications, April 16, 2014,
“Differential Rate of Interest for Micro and Small
Enterprises”, RBI notifications, April 15, 2014,
7 The Direct Taxes Code, 2013,
“Significant changes in the proposed Direct Taxes Code,
2013”, Income Tax Department, April 1, 2014,
“RBI decides to grant “in-principle” approval for banking
licences”, Reserve Bank of India, April 2,
10 “RBI releases Draft Report on „Working Group on Pricing
of Credit‟”, Reserve Bank of India, April 10,
11 “Association of Unified Tele ServicesProviders&
Othersvs.Union of India”, Civil Appeal No. 4591 of 2014,
Supreme Court of India, April 17,
12 “Goa Foundation vs. Union of India &Ors.”, Supreme
Court of India, Writ Petition (Civil) No. 435 of 2012, April
21, 2014,
13 Comments Invited on Draft Minimum Standards under
Clinical Establishments Act. 2010, Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare,
14 National Legal Service Authority vs. Union of India, Civil
Original Jurisdiction, Supreme Court of India, Writ petition
(civil) No.400 of 2012, Date of Judgment: April 15, 2014,
15 Common Cause vs. Union of India, Civil Original
Jurisdiction, Writ petition (civil) no. 13 of 2003, Date of
Judgment: April 23, 2014,
Monthly Policy Review – April 2014 PRS Legislative Research
16 “President approves dissolution of Andhra Pradesh
assembly”, The Mint and Wall Street Journal, April 28, 2014;
“President Nod for Dissolution of AP House, Extension of
Central Rule”, The New Indian Express, April 29, 2014;
“Andhra Pradesh assembly dissolved; President's rule
imposed”, Deccan Chronicle, April 29, 2014.
17 “Expert Committee Regarding New Capital for Successor
State of Andhra Pradesh Constituted”, Press Information
Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, April 25, 2014.
18 “Pricing of Agricultural Produce”, Standing Committee on
Agriculture, March 15, 2014,
19 “Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana – An Evaluation”,
Standing Committee on Agriculture, March 15, 2014,
20 “Comments on the reference document for REDD+ in
India”, Ministry of Environment and Forests, April 28, 2014,
21 “National Mission on Sustainable Habitat” Ministry of
Urban Development, April 2014,
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