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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

'No certainty of justice even after 3 years of Nirbhaya case'

New Delhi, Dec 16, 2015 (PTI)
Kavita Krishnan, Secretary of the All India Progressive Women's Association. Image courtesy Twitter.

 On the third anniversary of Nirbhaya gang-rape case, activists today said that women continue to face violence in every spere of life and that it was the certainty of justice which can bring about a change and not the severity of punishment.
"In the three years since December 2012, women continue to face violence in every space they occupy, including their own homes, public transport and at workplaces. There have been many attacks on women and girls, some accompanied by huge media coverage, but most taking place away from the public glare," Kavita Krishnan, Secretary of the All India Progressive Women's Association said.

"We stand today in hope with millions across the country -and indeed, the world - that justice will prevail in all cases, including the December 2012 case, according to the prevailing laws of the land. We reiterate our demand for certainty of justice and not severity of punishment," she added.

Krishnan is signatory to a statement endorsed by 108 women activists, students and faculty from DU, JNU and Ambedkar university and progressive leaders, issued on the third anniversary of the December 16 gang-rape case today.

"The government is using issue of violence against women to push through regressive policies like death penalty, or lowering the age of juvenile -- even though the Justice Verma Committee carefully considered and rejected these measures as counter-- productive and against the interests of victims of gender violence," the statement said.

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