Protesters continuing their ‘Occupy UGC’ movement against the UGC’s decision to stop the non-NET fellowship connected it with their ongoing movement, saying Mr. Prakash skipped the event in order to evade questions from students.
“Ved Prakash, Chairperson, UGC, who was the chief guest in the ending ceremony of 95{+t}{+h}anniversary of Jamia, cancels his visit in fear of facing students’ questions on the UGC’s policy ofFUND cut and cancellation of fellowship based on economic and merit criteria. How long do you think you can evade questions?” a statement from the All India Student’s Association (AISA), protesting the UGC’s decision, read.
Attempts to contact Mr. Prakash on the issue were, however, met with no response.
Meanwhile, students of the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, through the students’ association of the institute have extended their support to the ‘Occupy UGC’ protesters in the Capital.
“Students of the Film and Television Institute of India write this letter to express their solidarity with the students protesting the UGC’s decision to scrap the non-NET fellowship programme,” excerpts from the letter by FTII students read.
Meanwhile, students of the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, through the students’ association of the institute have extended their support to the ‘Occupy UGC’ protesters in the Capital